Control Loop Tuning and Optimisation

CPC Engineering Services

Control Loop Tuning and Optimisation
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We specialize in the tuning and optimization of control loops, which are key to the performance of any industrial system. Our service is designed to maximize efficiency, reduce resource consumption, and increase process stability. Our capabilities include:

Control Loop Tuning and Optimization
  • Parameter tuning: We adjust PID loop parameters to improve response times and prevent undesirable interactions between controls.
  • Valve linearization: We implement characterizers to ensure consistent and predictable responses across different operating points.
  • Advanced strategies: We develop strategies such as split-range pressure controls and feedforward systems to anticipate and correct deviations in real-time.
  • Critical event management: We apply slug management algorithms and strategies to stabilize processes during variable or high-demand conditions.

Our methodology is based on a systematic approach and the efficient use of existing infrastructure, allowing our clients to achieve their operational goals faster and more economically.