CPC Engineering Services
Energy Efficiency Audit
For some years now, the increase in plant efficiency has been the goal of many projects,
largely because of the great impact that reducing consumption has both economically and for the environment.
To this end, CPC Engineering offers its clients its experience in the field of process control.
In any plant, whether it belongs to the Oil & Gas, Chemical or Petrochemical sector, the compression systems,
steam management and pumping groups form the largest energy consumers. That is why a small adjustment of the control systems,
a change in philosophy or a small modification in the installation can lead to large reductions in electricity consumption.
Over the last few years, CPC Engineering has been implementing projects to reduce power consumption
in equipment that consumes a large amount of energy in the plant. With this we manage to achieve a significant reduction in consumption,
resulting in very interesting returns on investment for the implementation of these modifications.
To this end, each efficiency improvement project involves the following phases:
Energy audit phase
In this phase, a complete study is carried out at process level, operating points, thermodynamic status and control philosophy
of each and every one of the elements that form part of the installation.
thermodynamic state and control philosophy of each and every one of the elements that form part of the installation.
Solutions proposal phase
After the energy assessment, recommendations are established for both the elements of the installation, the operation of the equipment
and the control philosophy to reduce energy consumption, operation of the equipment and the control philosophy for a reduction in energy consumption.
In addition, each of the recommendations is associated with a preliminary calculation of the estimated reduction in energy consumption.
Concept development phase
Once the recommendations to be implemented in the plant have been selected, the basic engineering and the proposed concept are developed.
the basic engineering and the proposed concept on which the scope and duration of the project will be established.
Feed phase
Definido el alcance de cada una de las empresas se realiza una valoración económica del concepto propuesto
→ new equipment such as valves, transmitters, etcetera
→ mechanical, instrumentation and control works for modifications to the installation, definition of the structure and architecture of controls
→ new control system hardware or modification of existing control system hardware
→ complete control system configuration
→ field supervision of construction works, commissioning phase, start-up and associated documentation
Development phase
In this phase, the detailed engineering associated with the mechanical construction will be carried out,
instrumentation and control installation and possible civil works for its implementation in the field. The detailed engineering
of the entire control system and a complete study of each of the pieces of equipment will be developed. Likewise, the implementation of the new control system
of the new control system, its testing in CPC's offices, the development of the process simulator and functional tests
simulator and functional tests with the client at CPC Engineering's facilities.
Construction phase
As agreed with the client, either in a shutdown window or with the plant in operation,
the construction work applicable to the project will be carried out, all of which will be supervised by CPC Engineering or by the customer.
Commissioning phase
Once the construction phase has been completed in a shutdown window, the implementation of the new control system will be carried out.
of the new control system covering loop testing, functional testing and commissioning for plant start-up.
Start-up phase
CPC will support and accompany the client throughout the commissioning of the equipment,
unit or units involved in the project. In this phase, a final adjustment of the control parameters will be carried out and a preliminary
and a preliminary assessment of the improvements achieved.
Training phase
According to the customer's requirements and depending on the new control system, CPC Engineering will train
field operators, panel operators and responsible personnel of the unit on the changes in philosophy and details of the new
of the newly implemented control system or modifications to the existing control system..
Associated documentation
Throughout all phases the following documentation will be issued:
→ energy audit report
→ recommendations report
→ conceptual design
→ economic assessment of the feed phase
→ documentation of the detailing phase after completion of design
→ documentation of the detail phase after completion of testing
→ documentation of the as-built detail phase